Additional Graduate and Professional Student Opportunities
Student Advocates to the Regents (StARs)
The UC Regents have meetings on every odd-numbered month. UCGPC sends 3 StARs so that graduate and professional student can meet the UC Regents and directly advocate to the Regents. Apply to be a StAR here.
UC Student Regent Designate
UC students have a vote on the UC Board of Regents! Interested students apply to serve for two years: one as the student regent-designate, and one as the student regent. Applications open in March each year and interviews are conducted by UC students in late April or early May.
UC Systemwide Academic Senate Graduate Student Representative
Many important academic policies are determined in Academic Senate committees. Graduate Student Representatives are typically appointed at the beginning of each academic year and provide a voice for graduate and professional students when important decisions are being made! Apply here. Contact for more details.
Be Your Campus's External Vice President
The graduate/professional External Vice President, or equivalent position, of each campus’ graduate student association is a UCGPC Board Member. Contact your campus’ President or External Vice President to find out when elections are and how to run for the position.
Attend UCGPC Monthly Board Meetings
UCGPC Board Meetings are usually scheduled on the first Saturday of each month. Some meetings are in person, some are virtual over Zoom. Travel costs to in-person meetings are reimbursed by your campus graduate student association or through UCGPC travel grants. Meeting minutes and agenda are available here.
Join the UCGPC Get Out The Vote campaigns around Elections Season
See Campaign 2020 for an example of prior efforts that UCGPC engaged in.